Tizen Studio is the IDE that is used to develop apps for the Samsung Tizen TV. There is a detailed guide by Samsung for the same which can be referred HERE

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Tizen Studio is the IDE that is used to develop apps for the Samsung Tizen TV. There is a detailed guide by Samsung for the same which can be referred HERE
In order to develop any application for the Samsung TV, it is necessary to turn on the Developer mode, without which you wont be able to push and debug the app on the TV.A detailed guide to turn on the Developer Mode is mentioned HERE However, there are some important points missing in the above […]
The Hotel Mode is the secret menu option available on Hospitality TVs. It gives access to control a lot of TV features that the guest can access.In order to enter into the Hotel Mode, power on the TV and wait for it to initialize completely, then press the following keys in order:Mute > Up > […]
The new Tizen TV 6.5+ does not support H.Browser or SSSP anymore.All the apps that are built on SSSP and H.Browser needs to be migrated to the TEP API. The Samsung Support forums have also been migrated by Samsung from Samsung D Forum to Samsung Developers. The new Developers Documentation portal URL: https://developer.samsung.com/hospitalitydisplay You can […]